Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Endless variety in cities

My other half read the post about cities below, and as usual had something smart to say. It's about variety and specialization, she says. That's why people move to New York and places like it.

A lot of people are familiar with the old distinction (most familiar from Isaiah Berlin) between the fox and the hedgehog. Foxes know many things. Shakespeare was a fox, and so was Aristotle. Hedgehogs know one big thing very well - they are system builders. Dante was a hedgehog, and so was Plato. Most people lean towards being one or the other.

She says a fox likes the big city because there are so many different things to do - so many different things to try and dip in and out of. The sheer surprising multiplicity enhances life.

For a hedgehog, there are so many people and groups that there are endless opportunities to specialize in your one big thing. If you are into collecting antique buttons or contemporary flamenco, there will be something to engage your passion. So hedgehogs like it too, and ignore the variety.

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